Seventeen-year-old Edwin Ravensdale spends a year in Madrid in the 1960s, where he encounters some rather dubious individuals, the hippy scene and student riots.
On his return to the UK he finds things so dull that he takes a ship out to New Zealand in search of opportunity and is fortunate to land a job at the TV studios in Christchurch.
He works his way up to directing a nightly news magazine programme and then moves to Hong Kong to work in television there.
His intention of returning to New Zealand is thwarted when the country changes its immigration policy.
Arriving back in the UK instead, he comes up against the closed shop of the broadcasting union.
In order to survive, he takes a series of mundane temporary jobs in London and on the Continent, before finally running out of money in Italy.
How can such a bizarre set of circumstances be turned around?
Publisher - Woodfield Publishing
Language - English
Richard Biddlecombe
Published Date - June 13 2024
ISBN - 9781846831799
Dimensions - 23.4 x 15.6 x 3.0 cm
Page Count - 526
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