This book is about one of the most decorated soldiers of the Second World War, Robert Blair Mayne. His untimely death in a motor car accident in 1955 ended his charmed life, because he came through the war without serious physical injury. To his men he was an indestructible 'God like' figure who brought good fortune to any operation he was involved in. Like many soldiers however, after the war the mental scars that he suffered in combat, with the loss of his men and friends, were not attended to. This led him into a cul-de-sac of self destruction, fueled by alcohol and high jinks, which could never replace the surge of adrenaline 'high', experienced during top secret, behind-the-lines, SAS operations.
Publisher -
Language - English
John O'Neill
Published Date -
ISBN - 9781908336132
Dimensions - 19.8 x 12.9 x 1.1 cm
Page Count - 128
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